H2O Sushi Restaurant - NEW!
In Acarau, on the road exiting town towards Cruz, appr. 500 mtr after you pass the large fish sign on the middle of the road, you will find H2O sushi restaurant, also of owner Paulo, of Paulo’s Taverna.
Park your car at the parking of Paulo’s Taverna in front and head left inside Paulo’s Taverna, in the back is where the Sushi Restaurant is located.
Here, you will eat in Asian style, sit on low chairs, amidst typical red and black colors and some nice imported Japanese decoration.
The Sushi is fresh and tasty here, a welcome change for meat, as you for sure will enjoy enough in Brazil anyway.
Also nice and light to digest, after a full day water sporting at the immense Lagoon, you will see more colleague kiters and windsurfers stopping here for dinner.
The trip to this restaurant is appr. 20 minutes by car, no problem, see it as a nice evening out!
If you go with a group including some that don’t like Sushi, no problem, Paulo’s Tavern, next door of the same owner Paulo allows you to mix the menu’s of H2O and Paulo’s Tavern.
For bookings of any kind at Ilha do Guajirú, the Ecological Paradise & Flatwatersea!, you may also contact the below stated Office, that will make sure your holiday will be arranged in no time!